

Donna is a senior cosmetologist who still has vision and passion for style. Donna has many certifications including twisted fringe hair extensions, and Brazilian blowout. She specializes in corrective color, make up application, formal styles, highlighting & balayage. Licensed in both Maryland & Pennsylvania.



Hi, I am from Maryland and I’ve lived here my whole life. I have been doing hair for 15 years as it’s been a passion of mine since high school. I specialize in Blonding, Balayage, gray blending and full body waxing. I enjoy working with my clients To create unique looks that they feel great in. 



I’ve been a licensed stylist since 2011. I love vivid color, edgy cuts and am always up for a big color project! If I’m not at the salon I am usually watching horror movies, drinking coffee or spending time with my wife.



Hi! I'm a Maryland girl, but I've been a PA Licensed Cosmetologist since 2009! I love making my clients feel and look their best! I love being a well-rounded stylist specializing in color, blondes and balayage, gray blending, men & women's cuts, waxing and Lash lifting & tinting. Education is key! I love staying up to date with new trends and techniques.

"The only way to do great work, is to love what you do"





Growing up I have always had an artistic background. At age 19 I started in this industry. I'm well versed in different cutting techniques, nails, lashes, and makeup. My passion is to make people feel more beautiful about themselves.

I’ve been a licensed hairstylist since 2010. I love to keep myself up to date with the newest hair coloring techniques. I’m also always up for a good vivid color challenge. Outside of work, I run my own Zyia activewear business and I’m a mom of a 2 year old little girl. 

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